Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Type Of Headache Do You Have

If you can tell when it's going to rain, chances are very good that you get sinus headaches. Most of the sinus pain is felt around your cheeks, upper jaw, and deep in your eye sockets. These are where your sinus cavities are. Sometimes you can push down just under one of your cheek bones and really feel the pressure there. Try pushing down just under your eyebrow too and there will likely be a dull pain there as well. Speaking from experience, you don't have to be congested to have a sinus headache. It helps to message these areas of the face and temples to relieve some of that pressure, sometimes it even knocks out the headache all together. At night eucalyptus oil in a humidifier will help your sinuses too.

Everyone gets a headache from time to time. Some people get them on a daily basis. Each type of headache is caused by various "trigger" factors such as stress, a stiff neck, too much caffeine, allergies, hunger, hayfever, and even teeth grinding.

People who grind their teeth (either awake or asleep) can get excruciating TMJ pain which is because of low grade muscle contractions around the jaw joint. Messaging that joint with your finger or even a knuckle, might hurt at first, but then it will relax the joint and diminish the pain. I've worked on on that joint using the middle knuckle of my index finger while driving and have felt an unbelievable difference after only 10 minutes.

Cluster headaches are an episodic type of headache that comes on suddenly, feels like a stabbing pain and can last between 15 to 80 minutes. they can also recur more than once a day. This kind of headache tends to affect people in their 20's and older and many of them are smokers. During an episode, the pain can be focused on one eye socket causing that eye to become red and watery. Sometimes the nose runs or is congested on that one side.

The most sinister type of headache is of course the migraine. This kind of headache can be debilitating, basically stopping you in your tracks making normal activity not possible. During a migraine, most people are especially sensitive to light, noise, and can feel nausea or need to vomit. Migraine episodes can last from 4 to 72 hours. Women are more prone to getting migraines because hormonal fluctuations can be a trigger. So can fatigue, emotional situations, low blood sugar, smoke, strong odors, eye strain, and head injuries. Certain foods can also trigger migraines as well.

There are natural remedies for migraines that usually contain ginko, willow bark, and feverfew. The best thing is to avoid what you you to be a trigger for what ever type of headache you are prone to getting.

We live in a stressful world where we are forced to multi task at a dizzying pace. Is it any wonder that we feel tense almost all the time and have stress related symptoms like chronic headaches? Fortunately a lot has been discovered about each type of headache and effective means to combat them. As a chronic headache sufferer myself, I researched this topic and have found simple ways to minimize and avoid headache pain. Please feel free to visit some of these methods in my forum.

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