Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Failed Diet Reasons

A majority of diets are restrictive, boring, and hard to stick to in the long-term. The worse part is, the diet industry plays on people's nature of wanting instant gratification. This is why you will see advertisements for pills and shakes that claim to help you lose weight.

Do you know why the diet industry is so good at making money? The reason why it is doing so well is because people yo-yo diet on a regular basis. Everyone one wants instant gratification so when the latest and greatest diet comes along, they jump on the bandwagon, lose some weight and then gain it all back once the restrictions are removed.

The two biggest reasons that most diets fail are due to:

1. Guilt
2. Frustration

You see, diets are usually very limiting. Once you choose one to follow, you are told what you can no longer eat or drink. You may have the will power in the short-term to stick it out and lose some pounds but as soon as you stray (in other words cheat), the guilt sets in.

Once the guilt sets in from eating a cheat food or meal, frustration soon follows and you give up all together. After you have forgiven yourself, you find another diet, and repeat the cycle.

The answer to this is to stop using diets that make you feel like you're dieting. Limitations are bound to make you fail. Eating cheat foods removes those limitations and hold more benefits than you may think. It isn't impossible to eat your favorite foods and still lose weight.

Don't waste time on another restrictive and boring diet.

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