Saturday, May 16, 2009

An Ingredients To Reduce Age Spot

The reason we start to get these brown spots is due to an over production of melanin, which is the substance that gives our skin its pigmentation and so if too much is produced in an area, a brown spot will form.

It's a sad fact of life that as we age our skin starts to sag and wrinkles and brown spots appear from nowhere, so an effective age spot reducer that can also help to reverse the other signs of aging is a rare thing indeed.

The best available age spot reducer ingredient is Extrapone Nutgrass, which naturally inhibits melanin and is proven in clinical trials to reduce melanin by 40%! This also has many anti aging properties for the skin and can help to reduce freckles as well.

Another excellent ingredient is natural vitamin E, not the cheaper synthetic version which offers little benefit. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which can fight free radicals that damage healthy cells and lead to premature aging and disease.

It is highly effective at reducing wrinkles and lines and also helps to prevent the appearance of age spots.

With these natural ingredients they not only help to reverse the signs of aging and prevent them from returning, but also improve your overall health by boosting your immune system and supply essential vitamins and minerals.

With Extrapone Nutgrass and natural vitamin E in an age spot reducer, you can regain your even skin tone and reduce the appearance of spots, helping to turn back the clock.

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