Monday, June 1, 2009

Simple Tips To Beat Migraine Headaches

As a Acupuncturist I see these a lot and Chinese Medicine states there are many causes for this one disorder. The first thing a patient with should do is look at their individual stress level and attempt to lower it. Chinese Medicine says that when Qi(energy) is stuck (stress causes Qi to get stuck) and can rebell upward causing Headaches.
Migraines are a common occurrence in our modern life. A recent survey noted that fully 10% of American's twelve and older get migraines.Migraines are distinguished from other headaches by nausea (sometimes leading to vomiting) and light sensitivity(photophobia). Migraines tend to be more common in females. In this article we will explore 4 natural ways to curb these headaches.

Stress can be lowered by traditional relaxation exercises like Tai Qi & Qi Gong and also by Meditation & Relaxation Tapes. This can take some time but is well worth it as it can also lower blood pressure and improve mood. Secondly, look at your diet, as many foods are triggers. Caffiene, processed meats, chocolate, MSG, tropical fruits can cause Migraines. Hence eating a good diet, which would be lots of grains, vegitables and seasonal fruit and some meat would be good.
Also, eating Organic is very important, not only are pesticides and growth hormones bad for you, but Organic foods are higher in nutrients. Thirdly, regular sleep helps reduce migraines. So try to get to bed at a regular time, don't eat to late and avoid caffeine & alcohol esp at night. The fourth way is to get Acupuncture Treatments, recent studies show that Acupuncture can reduce the occurrence and severity of Migraines, Acupuncture has a general balancing effect on the body and can stop pain. So in summary, watch your stress level and try to lower it. Look at your diet,
Are there trigger foods you are eating? Get enough sleep. If that doesn't help, try Acupuncture.

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