Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How To Lower Your Blood Pressure In Five Ways With No Drugs Involve

There are so many ways to make your blood pressure normal, but there are also ways to make your blood pressure low buy using drugs and we all know that drugs have some side effect towards our body. That's why we should not tolerate ourselves by using drugs just to make our blood pressure low. The number one key to this is Discipline.

There are many ways to lower blood pressure without drugs, but the fact is no single technique is going to work for everybody. And, most methods are only going to give partial success. So if you want to get off and stay off high blood pressure medications, the best way to approach the problem is to incorporate several changes into your life. Here are five ways that you can lower blood pressure without drugs that when combined together, are sure to keep most people off medications.

1. Eat Fruit

There couldn't be a simpler way to improve your health. Start incorporating bananas, oranges, orange juice, apples, and avocados into your daily diet and you're going to see some reductions in your readings. This is because these powerful health foods contain the nutrient potassium, which is known to play a role in maintaining fluid balance in the body and relax blood vessels. Potassium can be thought of as the opposite of salt. So a high potassium diet will help you reduce hypertension.

2. Take up Slow Breathing Exercises

One of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure without drugs is to use slow breathing. This method is scientifically-proved to reduce hypertension. Clinical studies have shown that the technique cuts systolic readings by up to 36 points and diastolic readings by as many as 20 points. Even better this works in about 82% of patients, and it has no side effects. So that means most people will benefit significantly from this technique.

3. Reduce Salt Intake

Most people eat far more salt than they need, and excess salt in the body leads to excess retention of fluids and contracted blood vessels. This means high blood pressure. About 25% of the population, in particular, is "salt sensitive" meaning they really see their readings shoot up with high salt intake. By cutting back on the salt, you can see some reductions in hypertension.

4. Get More Magnesium

Magnesium has been shown to help blood vessels relax. Getting more magnesium in the diet and through supplements may help lower blood pressure without drugs. Its available in foods like halibut, avocados, and almonds.

5. Exercise 30 minutes per day

One of the best ways to reduce hypertension is still to exercise. If you aren't exercising at all, try adding a half hour walk to your day. Its not necessary to kill yourself riding an exercise bike (which is also boring) or by joining a gym. Just get out and take a walk in your neighborhood.

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