Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Your Easily Got Sick And You Want to Stop It.

Do you get sick easily? If you do then there could be some very distinct reasons for why you get sick very easily and some ways you can stop the cycle starting today. I will provide some answers for why you suffer from chronic health problems and what you can start doing that will reverse the symptoms you experience every day so that you can regain control over your health once and for all.

The Top 3 Reasons you Get Sick Easily

Poor Diet: A poor diet can be more than eating too many calories, what I'm talking about is eating processed food, junk food, fast food and not enough whole organic foods such as fruit and vegetables. A lack of fiber contributing to poor bowel function will lead to a host of health issues. On top of all this food allergies you aren't even aware of can be constantly bogging your health down and the only way to know for sure is to do an elimination diet.

Parasites: Most people think of those massive nasty tape worms or something that you would only find over in Africa the truth is parasites are everywhere, 1st world nations are no exception. In fact it's estimated that everyone has some parasites in their bodies to some degree. We de-worm our pets 2 times a year, why not ourselves? Apparently people believe that cleanliness somehow eliminates all harmful pathogens and it's simply not true.

Candida: This yeast exists in over 90% of the population and odds are if you have a poor diet or chronic health problems then Candida is going to be there too. An invasive fungal growth that requires a weakening of the immune system or the use of drugs such as antibiotics to overgrow, once it does all bets are off and basically anything goes, as a list of symptoms multiple pages in length are caused by Candida.

Very often the antibiotics that are taken to end an infection only feeds the Candida which further causes health problems and creates the chronic cycle of colds which people will again take antibiotics for and only make matters worse for themselves. The solution is to nip it in the bud and eliminate the Candida overgrowth. End the cycle of sickness and poor health and with a proper Candida protocol never get sick again!

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