Monday, April 13, 2009

The Technique Of Breathing Can Make Your Blood Pressure Normal

This technique first came to the attention of the medical community in April 2001 when the Journal of Hypertension reported that "breathing with interactive music" just 10 minutes per day produced significant reductions in blood pressure. The study found that systolic blood pressure was reduced by up to 36 points and diastolic blood pressure was reduced by up to 20 points. Even better, among "resistive" patients-that is patients whose hypertension has not responded to treatment-nearly 82% of patients had significant reductions in blood pressure. Subsequent research has shown that if the exercises are continued for a period of 4-6 weeks, the blood pressure reduction basically becomes permanent-lasting throughout the entire day.

It should come as no surprise to find out that simple relaxation-enhanced by rhythmic deep breathing techniques-lowers blood pressure. But what might be surprising is how dramatic the results are and not only that-they're long lasting.

There are two key elements to this natural way to lower blood pressure. The first is some rhythmic music usually centered about two tones that are used as cues to breathe in and breathe out at the appropriate times. Second, the patient must enter the "therapeutic breathing zone" for a period of 10 minutes. This is defined as breathing 10 breaths per minute or less-slow, relaxed breathing.

This sounds too good to be true, but from personal experience I can verify that it works. I would say the results are nothing short of remarkable.

At the time when I first tried this technique, my blood pressure was a whopping 160/110. When I started using the device, I would take before and after readings. The very first time I used the device, immediately after the session my blood pressure checked in at 142/93. Still not perfect but quite a drop from 160/110. This proved to me right then and there that this was an effective natural way to lower blood pressure.

The next morning my readings were back up to 160/110. But I kept up with the sessions, and pretty soon I was seeing readings of 140/90 throughout the day. I was a little "zealous" with it and used it twice a day even though they only say to use it 15 minutes per day. But what remarkable results-and all obtained without any medication whatsoever.

The idea of sitting in a chair listening to new agey sounding music while breathing deeply with your eyes closed might put off some. But think of the alternatives. Many people are willing to exercise 30 minutes a day in the hopes of reducing hypertension-and that doesn't always work. So why not put in 15 minutes per day doing this? Its easy, and you feel great afterwards. And the dramatic results obtained in reducing hypertension may mean this is more important than exercise for many patients. It could literally save your life-cutting your risk of stroke, brain hemorrhage, and heart attack. At the very least, it will help patients reduce or even get off medications.

This is as close to a magic bullet as they come, but it should be used in conjunction with other techniques as a natural way to lower blood pressure. This includes a high-potassium diet, salt reduction, and exercise. But this is so effective that salt reduction seems far less relevant. I found a high-potassium diet was what I needed to close the gap between "pre-hypertension" and normal readings.

For patients with diabetes or kidney problems that cannot consume a high-potassium diet, this is exactly what you're looking for as a natural way to lower blood pressure. Anyone can use this-and some patients, about 10% according to one study, saw reductions from 160/96 to 120/76, on average.

There are different options available. Some devices come with a sensor you strap around your abdomen which monitors your breathing rate. Less expensive options provide only the listening music, in that case you will have to make sure you follow it correctly on your own but that may be as effective for most people.

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